Digital Marketing Blog

Latest Trends in the Field of Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing as a Tool for Promoting Tourist Destinations

The tourism industry is one of the most lucrative in the world. After the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number of visitors in tourist sites and establishments in 2020, it is in the interest of hoteliers, tourist offices,…

The Importance of Micro-Moments in Digital Marketing

This article will highlight the importance of micro-moments for all digital marketing strategies. Read on to learn more about these monumental moments.

Digital Marketing In 2018 And The Trends Shaping It

Digital marketing evolved tremendously in 2017. Now, with technological advancements and evolved online habits of the modern “Netizen”, marketers will need to look out for trends that affect their initiatives and will soon realise that mobile as a platform cannot…

Social Mobile Local – Integrating Mobile and Social Media Marketing

Praesent vehicula sapien ligula, nec dapibus quam ultrices vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam turpis arcu, tincidunt ut blandit et, ornare ac lectus. Curabitur placerat lectus magna, ac feugiat neque sodales ullamcorper. Fusce erat orci, interdum.