Digital Marketing Blog

Latest Trends in the Field of Digital Marketing


In Your Head? Political Neuromarketing in the Digital Age

Are you aware of the techniques that neuromarketers use to win your vote? Keep reading to learn about the tools and implications of psychometric profiling in the new world of Big Data.

Evolution Of 4 Ps In Digital Marketing And Its Effects

The foundation of marketing has always been the Product, Place, Price and Promotion. But in the era of digital marketing, they have evolved. Let’s see how!

The AI Paradox: Why Machine-Learning Needs More Humanity

This article will explain why machine-learning within AI needs more human input and how digital marketers can ensure algorithmic bias does not destroy marketing efforts.

Are We Madmen or Are We Mathsmen? Data Replaces Creativity.

Advertising was founded upon creativity but is the future data? Analytics is fast becoming the new norm. Big data allows advertising to become more targeted and personalised.

Political Digital Advertising: 3 Things Everyone Should Know

A brief overview of political actors’ use of digital advertising to promote their messages and what the EU has done to try to prevent abusive practices.

Google Analytics and GDPR Compliance

On 25th May 2018, GDPR came into effect across the EU. If your company takes data privacy seriously and is using Google Analytics at the very least to improve and optimise your advertising and outreach initiatives, you should be taking…

Why Business Leaders Need to be Thinking Digital to Ensure Survival

Digital is Quickly Becoming the new “Traditional” for Marketers The unquestionable advantages of digital marketing have led to its continued rise in strategic importance within organisations, taking marketing budget share and operational resources from traditional channels. Many strategic leaders understand…

How to Fight the Google Analytics Referral Spam Issue

Referral spam occurs when your website gets traffic from unusual Bot and suspicious referrals and this traffic is recorded in Google Analytics, invalidating the account data (for example, increasing the number of total visits). These data must be deleted from Google…

How to Remove Referral Spam from your Google Analytics data using Advanced Segments

A common proposed solution to prevent referral spam infecting your Google Analytics data is to create a filter. The only issue with this method is that it will start filtering the spam referrers from the moment you setup the filter, but it will…