Digital Marketing Blog

Latest Trends in the Field of Digital Marketing

Big data

Are We Madmen or Are We Mathsmen? Data Replaces Creativity.

Advertising was founded upon creativity but is the future data? Analytics is fast becoming the new norm. Big data allows advertising to become more targeted and personalised.

Disrupting the Digital Marketing Industry, Google’s Ban of 3rd Party Cookies

This article will explain the planned change by Google to its browser and ad networks. What does this change mean for the user? How will my online behaviour be tracked and targeted in the future?

Is Social Media a Threat to Political Integrity?

A 280-character tweet has become a political megaphone for President’s, Prime Ministers, and political elites. But with the power to change the news and shape public perceptions, has social media gone too far? This article explores the influence of paid political advertisements, politicians on social media, and the rise of new extremist platforms. Read on to find out more!

The digitalization of supply chain management

This article gives you the keys to understand the impact of the digital era on supply chain management. Is digitalization the future of supply chain management? Read more to understand the challenges of digitalizing supply chain management.

Political Digital Advertising: 3 Things Everyone Should Know

A brief overview of political actors’ use of digital advertising to promote their messages and what the EU has done to try to prevent abusive practices.

Top 3 Ways Technology Has Transformed Marketing

This article explores the top 3 ways technology has completely transformed marketing over the years. ‘There’s never been a better time in advertising, and there’s never been a worse’– Aaron Reitkof. 1. Content Marketing Before technology in 1904, Jell-O sales…

Digital Marketing: How to compromise a Democracy

Digital Marketing has revolutionised the marketing landscape. Its application in political campaigns however, raises concerns. Read on to understand how Digital Marketing techniques can compromise a Democracy.

Google Analytics and GDPR Compliance

On 25th May 2018, GDPR came into effect across the EU. If your company takes data privacy seriously and is using Google Analytics at the very least to improve and optimise your advertising and outreach initiatives, you should be taking…

Why Business Leaders Need to be Thinking Digital to Ensure Survival

Digital is Quickly Becoming the new “Traditional” for Marketers The unquestionable advantages of digital marketing have led to its continued rise in strategic importance within organisations, taking marketing budget share and operational resources from traditional channels. Many strategic leaders understand…