How To Make Money with NFT’s : A Beginner’s Guide To Selling Digital Art
Sick of watching everyone else getting rich from investing in elusive online trends you don’t understand? Learn the basics of NFTs and Crypto in this guide and set your inner Elon Musk free!
What is an NFT?
If you haven’t heard the term NFT in the past few months, it means you’re likely living under a rock…
NFT stands for ‘Non Fungible Token’. Non fungible, for those of you not literarily-inclined, means it is unique and cannot be exchanged for something else of the same value. Again, this is probably not helping you understand the concept of NFTs…. Well, pretend you have something super rare, a piece of art say, or a one-of-a-kind pair of Nike Air Jordans from the early 80’s. You could sell those Nike Air Jordans for $3 Million, but then, you wouldn’t have the Nike’s anymore, right? And that $3 Million might not necessarily get you that pair of Air Jordan’s back again, because they are … you guessed it… non fungible.
An NFT is anything Digital and sold on the blockchain – using Cryptocurrency. And recently, people having been selling ‘art’ online for ludicrous sums of money, like this video which sold for $6.6 Million.
Wait… $6.6 Million?? Can I make NFTs?
Yes! Anyone can make an NFT – you can simply upload an image, or draw some digital art (if you’re more artistic than I am) or even create some audio to an NFT Wallet and sell it on one of the many NFT platforms out there such as

- Opensea
- Rarible
- Nifty Gateway
- …and many more
But if you think you can just upload that pic of your 18-year-old self chugging beer with a disgusting graphic tee on and become a multi-millionaire…you should really reconsider your life path (Sorry not sorry). Also, it probably just won’t work.
“Engaging People is about meeting their needs – not yours.”
Tony Robbins.
There are a few things you may have to consider before you take the leap into the world of selling NFTs
1. Who is gonna buy my NFTs?
There are almost half a million NFTs on the market right now. How are you going to make your NFT stand out – because lets face it… the chances of you being, say, the Leonardo DaVinci of Digital Art are…quite slim. And you are competing with artists who come up with this stuff…

It’s important to remember that although this is a new way of selling, it is still selling! Most artists have taken to twitter to create a community of people who could potentially buy their art, like this guy. But if you want to learn about how to execute social media marketing effectively, click here.
2. Create Value for your Audience
You should probably invest some time into your digital art skills, and look to constantly improving these skills. As I said before, there are some talented Digi-folk out there and, as the saying goes:
“The best way to beat ’em, is to join ’em”
The best tip that anyone could give you as to how to make money selling NFTs, is to create some GDT (God-Damn-Terrific) NFTs. Either that or, of course, be Logan Paul. But please. Please. Do not try to be like Logan Paul. Check out our blog on how to create killer social media content instead, and maybe you could build digital art community willing to pay millions for your (probably) terrible NFTs sooner than you think….
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